Conviction: Devine Page 11
“You want me to make you come?”
I smiled when her breath hitched and she squirmed beneath me. “Yes.” It came out choked and high pitched, making me chuckle.
“Very hard.”
Her cunt was already sopping, her juices soaking the denim of my jeans as she rubbed herself on me harder and faster.
I remained still, allowing her to get off while I watched her stunning face fill with pleasure. Her lips parted further as her panting sped up and I pushed my thigh harder against her. “I want to see you come, sweetheart. Come on, show me how fucking beautiful you are when you come for me.”
Her head tipped back, her tits pushing harder against me as she let out a groan and trembled beneath me, her orgasm hard and gratifying. I gritted my teeth, my balls screaming at me for some relief. But watching Isla come apart for me was just as satisfying as shooting my own load. Only this bloody woman could get that reaction from me. Partners in the past I had been greedy and selfish with, yet Isla, I wanted, needed, for her to experience every bit of my pleasure.
Pushing her back slowly so she rested against the bed, I pushed up her knees, yanked her knickers off and buried my face in her dripping pussy. I lapped at everything, devouring her cum like a hungry animal, relishing in the unique taste of her. She started to moan again, circling her hips as she ground herself on my face. She was so close, close to giving me more, so slipping a finger inside her, I collected the wetness and then thrust the same finger straight in her arse.
The moan she released was so carnal that I had to squirm to stop myself from coming. She rode my face so hard that it was becoming a struggle to breathe. Pulling away from her, I gripped her thighs, wrenched her towards me so she was flat on the floor, freed my cock, then impaled her in one hard thrust. Her mouth opened and a silent scream tore from her as a guttural growl ripped from me.
Her pussy gripped me, refusing me any movement and I took the opportunity to allow the cum to settle back in my balls as I kissed her. Her kiss was hungry as she tasted her own arousal, her fingers tugging on my hair as my fingers curled around her throat, holding her still. “You’re mine, Isla. Don’t ever forget that.”
She nodded, the lust in her eyes feeding my own. Drawing back, I narrowed my eyes on her. “Who do you belong to?”
She panted, thrusting her hips up to try and gain some stimulation but I pulled back a little more, teasing her. “Isla?”
“You,” she rasped. “You, Jake.”
I rewarded her correct answer with a hard drive inside her. Her pussy clamped hold again, strangling my cock with her desire. Managing to draw back again, I held her chin in a rough hold. “Who does your pussy belong to?”
“You,” she countered instantly, getting the hang of my needy questions. I’d never before felt this amount of jealousy or possessiveness but the thoughts that had gone through my head when I was locked up had nearly killed me. My imagination picturing her with other men after she decided I wasn’t good enough for her, the pictures in my head torturing me in the long lonely nights.
Once again, repaying her satisfying answer, I plunged my hips hard, both of us yelping when I hit her cervix and bounced back.
“Jake, please!”
Moving my hand, I pinched her nipple through the lace of her bra, watching the pleasure cover her face as I gave her the pain she needed. “Who does your heart belong to?”
“You,” she cried out, on the cusp of another orgasm.
“Yes!” I growled as I struggled to contain my control and fucked her like an animal.
Our moans merged together, the carnality of the erotic sounds making my spine tingle. She grabbed hold of my arms, her fingertips digging in and bruising as I screwed into her deeply, her hips moving into me as our rhythm became feverish and insatiable.
“Your soul?” I hissed when she dragged her nails down my back, knowing she’d drawn blood when I felt it trickle down my spine. “Is it mine?”
Her climax tore through her, her cunt tightening so much it sucked out my own climax. “YES!” she screamed.
Pulling out quickly, I wrapped my fist around my shaft and sprayed cum across her stomach, my cries of satisfaction as loud as Isla’s. The paleness of her skin appeared tanned when the white of my spunk decorated her. I roared like a God damn caveman, the white hot pleasure tearing into my brain causing my whole body to shake in ecstasy. It was such a primal and selfish thing to do but the way Isla’s face darkened when I collected my orgasm on the palm of my hand and held it out for her had me growling under my breath. Sticking out her tongue eagerly, I pressed my hand to her, allowing her to lick me clean, her greedy laps making my throat close in. Her eyes held mine as she devoured it all, her little tongue licking ravenously.
“I love you,” she whispered as I stared down at her.
“Good,” I replied with a smile, making her giggle. “I’d have to hurt you if you didn’t.”
She regarded me with a humoured expression. “Of course you would, Jake.”
She knew damn well I wouldn’t harm a hair on her gorgeous body. Unfortunately for me, that meant that the woman currently laid beneath me got her way many, many times during our years together. But I idolised her, yearned for her every minute we were apart. Isla was exactly the same, her need for me as potent as mine.
However, that meant that we fit together perfectly. Like soulmates, our hearts were always in tune with each other’s, our minds linked and our emotions interconnected.
Life saw many ups and downs in the coming months, especially since Seth and Gen had disappeared, her father’s contacts on the inside alerting them to my knowledge of their betrayal. And it was due to that fact that I gave Isla the best security I could.
I taught her to fight and shoot. Fuck me, she took to it like a duck to water. Her skill with a firearm rivalled that of Adam’s, both of them often having competitions. Needless to say, my little shooter won each and every one.
Henry was born healthy and strong, his handsome face the spitting image of Tilly’s. He both broke my heart and comforted it, his happy grin when I walked in after the day, the most glorious sight aside from his beautiful mother.
Carrie, who had become the most valuable addition to the Devine Corp excluding my wife, blew both mine and Isla’s murder charges out of the water when, unfortunately, any evidence held against me disappeared and Dwaine’s body was never recovered.
Much to Isla’s heartache, neither was her mother’s. Eventually, a service was held but it broke my heart when I saw her tears, the need to say goodbye to her mother shattering her from the inside.
But we were happy, so bloody happy that it seemed almost too good to be true.
Eighteen Months later
HENRY STARED WIDE EYED at everyone, his eyes brimming with tears as everyone sang happy birthday. He’d been grumpy since Jake had woken him up at six a.m., more excited that it was Henry’s first birthday than Henry was.
It was late April but the weather was warm enough to celebrate Henry’s birthday with a barbeque and all our friends. Everyone doted on him, all of the Devine corp ‘employees’ uncles and aunts to our handsome little man.
A dark cloud crept across the sun and Henry shivered in my arms when the weather instantly cooled. As Jake blew out the candles for Henry, I told him I was going to put Henry down for his nap.
He nodded, taking the bottle of beer from Kris then blew us both a kiss, his eyes glistening with love and happiness.
I settled Henry down, kissed his forehead then went back to join the party.
And for the first time since I had met Jake, I suffered the side he was renowned for.
His wrath.
After everything my life had thrown at me, I soon realised that I had never witnessed hell until that day. But when I walked out onto the garden of our home, the sun warming my skin and my heart full of joy, I was dragged so far down I knew I would never be able to claw myself back out again.
INE,” DAN, the regular UPS guy, said with a nod as I stepped out of the back door onto the patio.
“Has someone taken delivery?” I asked. Due to taking many deliveries for Deviant while I had been on maternity leave, Dan had become a friend.
“Yep.” He smiled. “One for your fella. Nothing heavy this time so I thought he’d manage it,” he added with a wink.
Laughing, I waved him off and walked round the side of the house to re-join the party.
I wasn’t sure what made me aware that something was wrong, but the hairs on the back of my neck stood to attention. My heart clanged hard in my chest, my throat closing in as my stomach twisted. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the party, their laughter loud and their partying lively, but goosebumps erupted over every inch of my skin.
When my eyes found Jake, I knew. I knew. His gaze rose from some papers in his hand and a brown envelope dropped to the floor. A malevolent evil seemed to coil around him, the air practically shimmering with his rage. His face paled, his eyes glazed over and then he started to tremble.
The ground moved beneath me, and as if in slow motion, his hand moved to the back of his jeans and he slid out the knife he always kept there.
I tried. I tried so hard to move but I stood in shock as he turned, held the knife between his fingers then flicked it straight towards Kris. Everything was surreal, like a dream when the blade punctured Kris’ shoulder and his eyes widened in shock.
Everyone moved back; a few women screamed and I stood immobile and dazed. Jake stared at Kris. Kris stared at Jake. Everyone else stood frozen and as mute as me.
Jake slowly turned to face me. I gulped when he sauntered across the grass, his strides paced and even as his fists clenched and unclenched the papers he still held. When he reached me, he didn’t stop until my back slammed against the wall.
“You’re lucky I class him as my brother or I’d rip his fucking heart out right in front of you,” he hissed, the adoring tone he had always spoken to me with now gone and a deep icy pitch freezing the marrow in my bones.
“I don’t . . .”
I sucked in a breath when his grip squeezed my neck, his fierce hold cutting off my air supply and making my head spin as all available oxygen depleted and my lungs squealed.
“I never had you down as a whore, Isla.”
I shook my head, hurt and confused by his anger.
“Why,” he whispered with a broken cry. “Why?”
I was unable to reply, my plea unheard when he slapped some photos at me, crushing them into my chest. He shook Adam off when he tried to help me. “Don’t!” he growled, lifting his hand towards him. Then he ran. Just ran. Completely out of my life.
Adam stared at me, his shock as strong as mine. “Isla?”
“I don’t . . .” Struggling to understand, I bent and picked up the pictures that were crumpled and covering my feet.
I stared at them, vomit rapidly surging up my throat as the images of me and Kris in various sexual positions stared back at me; me on my knees as he mounted me, his face buried into my neck, me looking up at him with an expression of pure pleasure; me on top of Kris, my breasts covered by his large hands and finally, me on my knees, Kris’ cock in my mouth and my hair wrapped around his fists.
I shook my head at Adam, dazed when he looked at me with as much hatred as Jake had.
“Adam, I . . .”
I was hurt and shocked, my body shaking violently as my heart beat a rhythm in my chest that I was struggling to control but most of all I was angry that I seemed unable to find my defence mechanism and argue that none of it was true.
Adam turned slowly, his gaze zeroing in on Kris as he stumbled up the garden towards us in shock, his hand on the knife still sticking out of his flesh. Before I could grab him, Adam launched himself at Kris, knocking him to the floor in one punch.
“You bastard!” he roared. “After everything Jake’s done for you!”
Kris, in obvious pain, gawped up at a furious Adam. His eyes swung to mine, his confusion evident as Adam broke through the gathering people and left just as Jake had.
Carrie blinked at me and shook her head sadly. “Christ, Isla.”
“I haven’t . . . I didn’t . . .”
Everyone glared at me as they sloped away, leaving just me, Leah and a groaning Kris. Even Sophia nudged me angrily on her way out.
Kris, trying to get up, hissed and gnawed on his bottom lip as he hobbled towards me. Taking the photos from me, his face tightened in anger and bewilderment. “What the fuck?” He looked at me, his round eyes reflecting my own despair.
“I don’t understand,” I said. “What . . . ? How . . . ?”
Slipping them into his pocket, Kris said nothing else before he also left, the roar of his engine alerting me to his departure. How the hell he managed to drive with a knife sticking out of him was beyond me.
“Isla,” Leah soothed as she placed her arm around my shoulder and led me back to the house. “Come on, babe.”
I gazed at her. “I didn’t, Leah. I wouldn’t.”
“I know,” she whispered as she sat me at the kitchen table and grabbed the Jack from the cupboard.
Eve, now Leah’s fiancée, took Henry home with her for the night.
And then Leah and I got drunk.
THE BLONDE WHORE GIGGLED when I snorted a line off her tits, my dick still not playing nicely as it sat limp and bored between my thighs. She was a looker; that wasn’t the problem. The problem was I couldn’t stop the fucking pictures of my wife and that cunt bursting in my head.
I felt sick, and it was nothing to do with the cocaine racing through my system.
“Come on, Jakey,” Blondie purred, her incessant nag making me recoil.
Pushing her off my knee, I laughed when she hit the floor with a heavy thud, her tits bouncing in time with her body. “Go home,” I told her as I felt the customary rage come to the surface.
She scowled at me before snatching up her clothes and storming from the room, the door bouncing back open with the force of her slam.
Stumbling into the corridor, I rolled my eyes when I saw Adam leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. “You’re gonna regret doing that.”
“Just because your wife is a whore doesn’t . . .”
He gulped when his back slapped the wall and my fist restricted his airway. “You ever call her that again and I will end you!”
Calmly, he stared me out, waiting for me to calm. I did, and released him. “I found someone for you to play with.” Adam smiled.
“Lead the way.”
“You should know better than to hurt one of mine!” I spat as I laid another fist in his face. His teeth shot all ways as his blood sprayed my shirt, his squeal satisfying to my soul when all I could see was Kris in front of me; Kris taking the beating this arsehole endured.
“I’m sorry, Mr Devine,” the twat slurred. “I’m sorry.”
He was crying, his tears mixing with the blood on his face. It was soothing to watch; his pain and his pleas made me feel euphoric.
“Sorry’s no good now, you prick!”
He screamed when my foot connected with his jaw, the shatter of his bone under my foot causing me to shiver in delight.
“Sorry won’t heal Jenny’s wounds. Sorry won’t take away the memories of your filthy dick inside her!”
He didn’t scream when I hit him over and over again. The exposure of his bones tearing the skin on my knuckles and the pain of it fed my rage.
I didn’t stop until he was completely pulverised then I sighed contentedly.
“Thank you.” I turned to Adam who stood to one side, watching. “I feel better now.”
Shrugging, he smiled and pulled me into a side hug, the blood covering me not bothering him. He was used to it. “Time to get pissed.”
I couldn’t have agreed more.
Two weeks later
I WOKE WITH A start, the gale outside clatte
ring the shutters Jake had been adamant were fitted to the windows of our new house. The house we had chosen, decorated and loved together. Now it was just a shell, a house for Henry and me to shelter in.
The love for it had gone along with my husband, the man I had sworn myself to. The man I loved so much I couldn’t breathe without him.
I turned over, grumbling at the noise of the rain as it pelted the window and woke Henry. His cries were loud and fierce, matching his temperament since his beloved daddy had left us both.
“Hey, little guy,” I soothed as I picked him up and hugged him close, the beat of my heart already pacifying his distress as he snuggled into me. Lowering myself into the rocking chair in the corner, I sang him back to sleep, the soft lilt of my voice reminding me of times when my own mother had done the very same thing with me.
I missed her so much. Tears bubbled from my eyes as a fierce ache for her crippled me. She’d know what to do. She’d make me stand my ground and fight for the man who owned every part of me.
I’d tried to contact him but all that welcomed me was a continuous tone on his phone and a shake of heads at Deviant. He’d disappeared, along with Kris who I hadn’t seen since Henry’s birthday either.
Leah had been a pillar of support, as had my father, both of them propping me up and helping with Henry.
I knew Kris was out there, hunting for the fucker who had done this. I knew who it was. It didn’t take a genius. The bitch was back, as was her sidekick. What better revenge for her father’s murder than the death of Jake and me?
I gently placed Henry back in his cot then stroked his head, my heart swelling with how fucking perfect he was before going back into my own room. Stopping dead, I frowned when the curtains blew deep into the room, the open window providing a chill and making me shiver. My eyes moved everywhere in the room, the shadows haunting my imagination but nothing jumped out at me and nothing moved in the dark corners.
“Damn house!” I pulled the window shut and made a mental note to call Quentin tomorrow to come and do yet another repair. The house was old, Georgian, but Jake and me had fallen in love from the very first viewing. It had proved to be a slog as more and more things wrong with it surfaced and our maintenance bill tripled. But as Jake had said, money hadn’t been an object. If we loved the house, repairs could be done and she would be back to her good old days easily. Now, with the toll of being single, I wondered if it was too much to handle alongside looking after Henry and working the late shift at the local petrol station.