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Conviction: Devine Page 8
Conviction: Devine Read online
Page 8
Leah beamed at me and took my hand in hers. “You think so? Really?”
I nodded encouragingly, wincing at the pain in my head. “I do. She’s completely opposite to you though. A bit of a posh bird.”
Her mouth popped open and she mock glared at me. “Are you saying I’m a common slut?”
I shook my head. “No! As if! A common skank but never a slut.”
Laughing, she reached across the table and playfully slapped me round the head.
That’s when everything went dark. My friend’s screams echoed around my head when I slid off my chair and collapsed under the table.
THE LIGHT PERFORATED MY eyelids. Someone squeezed my hand and I opened my eyes to find my dad’s pale face looking at me with concern. “Isla?”
“Hey,” I croaked.
“How are you feeling?”
I stretched my eyes and did a mental examination of my body. “Okay,” I answered as I pushed myself up and leaned back against the head of the metal bed. “What happened?”
Leah rushed over from the chair in the corner of the room where not four seconds ago she’d been snoring.
“You passed out,” Dad explained.
Rolling my eyes, I sighed. “It’s these damn headaches. How long have I been out?”
Looking at his watch he tipped his head. “About four hours.”
Both he and Leah stared at me with creased brows when I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. “I have to get to work, I’m going to be late.”
“Like fuck!” Adam piped up. I hadn’t seen him standing in the shadowed corner of the room. He looked worried as he walked over to me.
“Adam,” I warned when he snatched my clothes when I reached for them.
Shaking his head he scowled at me. “Not a chance, sweet thing. At least not until the doc’s given you the results.”
Trying to swipe my clothes back I huffed when he shook his head and held them out of reach. “I don’t have time for this. I’m fine for God’s sake!”
He leaned forward and pushed me back onto the bed, my arse plopping heavily onto the mattress. “Jake will make my life hell if I allow you to walk out of here.”
I scoffed, practically growling at him. “Then you shouldn’t have told him I was here. What I do doesn’t concern Jake anymore.”
We all looked towards the door when it opened and a tall woman in a white doctor’s coat walked through. She smiled pleasantly, her eyes holding each person’s warmly before she settled on me. “Nice to see you back with us, Isla. I’m Jane Ryland, the consultant on duty this afternoon. How are you feeling?”
Nodding, I smiled back. “I’m fine. Just another headache.”
She smiled but I didn’t miss the way her eyes didn’t reflect it. “I just need a moment to discuss the results of your blood test before we let you go.”
I held my hands up to Adam and poked out my tongue childishly, indicating that I had been right about going home. The doctor looked from one person to another. “If you could just give Isla and me a private moment.”
My dad frowned, narrowing his eyes. “Is there something wrong?”
“Not at all,” she placated with a firm shake of her head.
“Then you can discuss it with us present.”
The doc looked to me and I rolled my eyes, nodding and giving her permission to talk about my headaches in front of everyone.
“Okay.” Jane came to sit on the edge of the bed. “We did a blood test when you arrived. We also did some basic tests. We found that you’re slightly anaemic and a little undernourished.”
“Okay.” I nodded. “So what, eat better? More tablets?”
“I’m afraid in your condition, there isn’t much choice of medication we can give you. But drinking plenty of water and eating small portions of food regularly will help.”
I stared at her, my heart beating hard. “My condition?”
She nodded slowly. “You’re results show that you’re in the early stages of pregnancy.”
A chorus of gasps echoed around the storm in my head as the room swam before me. Every inch of my skin chilled with an outbreak of goosebumps. My mouth wouldn’t work, my lips as numb as the rest of my body.
“She’s what?” Leah screeched, her eyes wide on me.
Jane nodded, not removing her eyes from me to look at Leah. “I’ve had a quick scan through your medical records and I know that you were informed pregnancy would be highly unlikely.”
“Highly unlikely!” I blurted. “They told me it was impossible after . . . after . . .”
Concern and sympathy crossed her face as she took my hand and squeezed it. “Your tubes were found to be damaged ten years ago. It is possible, and in your case apparent, that the swelling and injury to tissue can subside and in some cases repair itself. This is quite rare so you weren’t informed of the possibility.”
“Swelling and injury? The bastard raped me with a fucking table leg then beat the fuck out of me. I would have thought after that my insides were fucked forever.”
Cringing, Jane nodded softly. “I take it this isn’t good news.”
I snorted, my head moving from side to side unconsciously. “I . . . fuck!”
My gaze moved to Adam. He stood watching me silently, his eyes telling me everything. “Please, Adam.”
Swallowing, he shook his head. “He’s my best friend, Isla. He needs to know.”
I nodded, my eyes brimming with tears. “Then let me be the one to tell him.”
He smiled tenderly. “Yeah.”
The doctor squeezed my hand again before standing up. “I’m going to prescribe some medication that will encourage your appetite, and paracetamol for your headaches. The progesterone in your system is aggravating your migraines but you’ll find the severity should subside after the first trimester. However, you need to eat properly. No more alcohol. And please, take time out for you. Stress is no good for baby or mum.”
I nodded, still dumbstruck.
“I’ll be back to do a quick scan when you’ve had time to digest and talk with your family. We need to establish how far into the pregnancy you are and do a check on baby. Although I’m pretty sure everything’s fine, it’s best to make sure.”
I nodded again as she left the room, quietly closing the door behind her.
“Isla . . .”
“I want to be alone.”
“Isla.” My dad tried again but I glared at him.
Lifting his hands and nodding he ushered the others from the room quickly.
I SAT ON THE bare mattress in the cold cell I’d been escorted to an hour earlier. My hands shook, my heart racing as I stared at the words on the paper I hadn’t let go of since it had been passed to me in the courtroom that morning. For the eighth time, I read every word, etching her soft, elegant writing onto my heart.
I tried to see you but you had already left for court, and then they wouldn’t let me see you. I’ve always been too late for everything, but I’m hoping this reaches you in time. Carrie said she would try and get the judge to pass it on. I’m praying he did.
I need you to plead not guilty, Jake. In fact I’m begging you. I have no idea who or even why you’re taking the rap for someone else and as much as I understand that there is someone out there who you love more than me, it still hurts.
But now there is someone else to think about, someone who will hopefully be more important to you than this other.
Your child. I’m pregnant Jake. You’re going to be a father.
I’m not sure I can do this on my own. I have lost my mother, the only person that could have helped me through the agonies that being a parent will bring. I need you. I’m not too proud to admit it.
You have hurt me so much but that aside, you have every right to be a dad. This child needs you. I need you. I can’t stop what my heart feels for you, no matter how angry and disappointed I am. I�
�m not asking you to think of a future with me but I’m begging you to give your child a future, a life with you in it.
Please, if you can’t do this for me then do it for your son or daughter.
I’ll always love you Jake, whether or not you accept that is up to you and if you still decide that another is more precious than your own flesh and blood I will still promise to be the best mother I can to our child.
After losing my own mum I will sell my soul to prevent my child losing its father.
Please, please plead not guilty. I need you. I love you.
I pleaded not guilty.
One week later
SCRATCHING MY HEAD I sighed and placed my phone on the desk. Adam looked up at me, his frown matching my own. “Something wrong, sweet thing?”
“Mmm,” I mumbled. “Dr Lovejoy was supposed to be looking into something for me but I’ve been unable to get hold of him for ages.”
Diverting his eyes back to whatever he was doing on his screen, he coughed. “Anything I can help with?”
“I’m not sure. I saw Seb’s best friend at Keegan’s party and he told me Seb had been seeing a woman for a while. I asked Dr Lovejoy to check through the CCTV to see if he could find when she visited my mum.”
Adam looked up again, his frown deeper as creases appeared on his forehead. “This is news to me. Both Jake and I looked into Seb’s life and no girlfriend was uncovered.”
“I know. That’s why I need to know who she is. I have a feeling she told Seb to keep their relationship a secret. And that makes me wonder why.”
Adam picked up his phone and dialled quickly. “Kris, job tonight.” That was all he said before he ended the call and looked back at me. “Me and Kris will contact Dr Lovejoy and ‘acquire’ the surveillance records from him. I’ll go through them myself.”
I peered at him with an accusing stare. “You promise not to hurt him.”
“Hurt who?”
“Dr Lovejoy,” I clarified with a sterner glare.
Adam’s lips twitched for a moment before he straightened his face and nodded, saluting me with a finger to his temple. “That I can promise.”
I regarded him for a moment, wondering why he found my request humorous. Just as I was about to ask him the door opened and Carrie walked in, her eyes finding her partner immediately and a huge smile lifting her pretty face.
“Hey, babe,” Adam greeted, shooting out of his chair to wrap Carrie in his arms and kiss her until I started to feel a little uncomfortable. When Adam’s hand found her breast, I left them to it and decided to give Bernie his supper then take myself home.
Adam had begged me to go back to work. I’d agreed now that Jake’s betrayal had been proven wrong, his sexual exploits planned and acted out. His decision to take the blame for Seb and my mother’s murders still hurt but when Adam had told me he was struggling to hold the fort at Deviant and spend time with Carrie, I fell into his sympathy trap and promised I would return. I didn’t mention that my job description was a runner for Deviant and not his secretary. To be honest, working alongside Adam in his office gave me better access to all Jake’s underhand dealings. I was hoping something would shed light as to why he was adamant on ruining his life.
“Oh, Isla,” Carrie shouted just as I was about to close the door. I turned to her and smiled. “Jake’s trial starts in six weeks.”
I took a deep breath to counteract the anguish in my gut. “Six weeks isn’t enough time to find anything out. Shit!”
“Relax.” She smiled softly. “I have someone looking into what evidence there is against him and what his arrest was based on. As soon as I have that information, then finding out why and what to do about it should be quicker and easier.”
I smiled, my anxiousness easing slightly. “Okay, thank you.” Looking at Adam, I asked, “And you’ll let me know what the CCTV from The Grange shows?”
“I promise.” Waving a hand at me, he scowled. “Now, go home and get some rest. Make sure you eat properly and take your meds.”
“Yes, Dad!” I saluted him with a wink, laughing when I shut the door and Carrie squealed.
Bernie nudged my hand as soon as I walked into the reception area, reminding me he was hungry. “I can tell you’re male.” I chuckled when he stuck his nose in my backside as soon as I bent down to pick up his bowl, his cold, wet nose a shock to my skin. He whined, impatient for his food, and devoured the lot within seconds.
Blowing him a kiss and giving his ear a quick scratch, I groaned realising the cottage was bare of food and it was my turn to shop. Eyeing up Bernie’s chow and wondering if I added some gravy that would do for my supper, I sighed and placed my hand on my belly. Smiling to myself I gave a contented sigh. “Are you hungry, Speck?”
“Speck?” Carrie laughed, making me jump.
Spinning round, my eyes widened on her hair. She blushed and attempted to straighten her wayward blond curls that were now a frizzy upset, a tell-tale sign that Adam’s hand had been fisted in it not minutes ago.
“That was bloody quick!”
She blushed harder and then giggled. “What can I say? He is a man after all.”
Laughing with her, I nodded as I picked up my bag and she clipped Bernie’s leash to his collar. “See you tomorrow.”
She nodded and smiled yet pointed her finger at me. “Food, Isla!”
“Yes, yes!” I pacified her with another nod, gaining a wide beam from her. “I’m going shopping now.”
“Plenty of fruit and vegetables. Oh and eggs are full of protein, so are kiwis and . . .”
“Bloody hell.” I laughed. “I did do Home Ec at school, you know?”
Her brow lifted. “Don’t tell me you actually listened at school?”
I gave her a smirk. “I said I did home economics, I didn’t say I took note.”
She laughed and waved me off as I scurried down the stairs into the main building and out to the car park.
“Hey, Isla,” Gary said with a smile. “You walking home today?” He looked into his little hut for my car keys.
I nodded. “Yes, stupidly. I’m trying hard to keep fit but now I need to shop. I should have come in the car.”
He smiled and chuckled, handing the tablet he worked from to his work colleague. “My shift’s just finished. You need a lift?”
“Oh, that’s okay.” I shook my head. “It’s out of your way.”
“No it’s not. My shift at Miss Genevieve’s starts at six. The shop’s just around the corner from there.”
“Okay, say no more.” I laughed, dreading what his answer would be.
He rolled his eyes and nudged me with his elbow as he directed me to his car. “I’m not a gigolo. I work security at Jake’s brothel.”
My bag slipped from my grasp and my feet glued themselves to the concrete. My heart thumped in shock as my stomach somersaulted. “You work where?”
Gary blinked at me, his face cringing noticeably. “Uhh, nowhere?”
Shaking my head firmly, I glared at him. “Don’t bullshit me now, Gary. You said Miss Genesis,’ Jake’s brothel.”
“No. I said Miss Genevieve’s.”
I was struck dumb for a moment, my head starting its customary thud in sync with my heartbeat. “Is it Jake’s place?” When he didn’t answer, I stepped towards him and narrowed my eyes on him. “Is it?”
He nodded slowly, his skin blanching. “I thought you knew. Don’t let on that I’ve told you. Jake will make sure I pay for telling you . . . and painfully.”
Anger surged through me. “Jake Devine runs a brothel?”
“Well, not exactly,” he mumbled. “Gen does.”
“Oh, it gets better,” I barked. Pulling hard on his car door handle, I bundled myself into his car. “Well, come on. You’d better show me what delights I’ve got myself mixed up with now!”
“Isla . . .” He cowered when I flashed him a deadly look. Closing his eyes for a second, he gnawed on his bottom lip and blew out a breath. “Fine.”
The shocks never ended.
MY GAZE COULDN’T FIX on anything specific for more than a second, the deep blues and sleek silvers a complete difference to what I had envisaged Jake’s brothel to be.
Gary stood beside me as I stormed through each corridor, my eyes flicking left and right as I tried to take it all in. Comfortable sofas lined the hallways and tasteful pictures and luxurious furnishings decorated the exquisitely papered walls.
Miss Genevieve’s was far from the rundown house I had pictured. It was stylish and classy and I was a little in awe of what Jake had accomplished. However, when we walked through a set of double doors and a huge room opened up to us, my stomach vaulted up my throat and I quickly turned around, stumbling back through the doors with a flush to my skin as the blood ran faster through my veins.
“Sorry. I did try to stop you,” Gary murmured beside me. He looked thoroughly chastised, as though my embarrassment and shock was his fault.
“I . . .” I blinked back the image of Kris tied to a cross, my hand covering my mouth as my mind replayed the image of him being beaten by another man. My stomach vaulted. The run of blood down his back made my eyes fill with tears as I struggled to swallow back the hurt for my friend. I knew he had a past that constantly drew on him but to actually sanction your own beating for your own personal thrill, I couldn’t understand. Yes, I enjoyed pain in my sex life but that was maybe a step too far. However, it wasn’t for me to say, and who knew if it was something that Jake and I could ever try. I knew Jake liked to draw blood, that it turned him on to know he had that much influence on my arousal, but it wasn’t a simple bite or smack Kris had taken.
Scurrying down the hall I cowered when the doors slammed behind me and Kris’ angry bellow stopped me dead in my tracks. “What the fuck did you bring her here for?”
I wasn’t brave enough to take the blame so I started moving again as Gary took the responsibility for my stubbornness.
I halted. Turning slowly, I swallowed back the bile as I caught him pulling his shirt over his head, his face hardening with the pain the material catching his sore skin caused. I coughed, clearing my throat as I held up a hand. “I’m sorry. Carry on and just . . . just pretend I’m not here.”